How Italians Conquered The World

Enjoy authors Chris Kelly’s and Stu Laycock’s follow-up to America Invades as they take you on second Italian tour of duty through the Roman Empire, Battle of Britain, Little Bighorn, and WWII. Italy Invades delivers with more fascinating facts, captivating photos, and entertaining insights from your tag-team historians at large in Europe and the US. Read the reviews from The Italian Tribune, Fra Noi, Kirkus, and Foreword in The Book. Learn more about Italy Invades in an exclusive interview with author Chris Kelly.
NOW AVAILABLE IN ITALIAN – The Italian translated edition with Foreword by General Basilio Di Martino.
“As an Italian American kid growing up on the East Coast, I had plenty of exposure to my grandparents’ nation of origin.
My grandfather on Mom’s side was outspoken, confident, and humorous. He owned Romano’s Bakery in Rutland, Vermont, had ten children including Mom, and a small dog that hung around the kitchen and drank water out of a coffee cup. When the dog begged at the breakfast table, Grandpa would let out a huge laugh and say, “Get your own cup.” Nick Romano was a tough businessman but a softy when it came to his grandchildren. One day I asked him for a jelly donut. Instead of giving me one, he taught me how to use the donut filler and set me up with a part-time job. To this day, I can’t look at a powdered jelly donut without thinking of my grandfather.”
Tony Ventrella
NW Celebrity and Friend

An Adventure in 1914
The world can change fundamentally in a single day. It has done so many times. The world changed on September 11, 2001; it changed on December 7, 1941. Earlier in the twentieth century, the world was shaken to its foundations on June 28, 1914, with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo. Of course, it took longer than one day for World War I to erupt—it took a summer. My great-grandfather, Thomas Tileston Wells, was an eyewitness to that refulgent and transformative summer. An Adventure in 1914 is his testament.
Thomas Tileston Wells
American Consul General to Romania
(Great-grandfather of the author Chris Kelly)
“The Countess”
The flamboyant Countess de Castiglione became Napoleon III’s mistress after she “invaded” France for the cause of Italy